Past Events
Animal Asisted Theraphy

The animal-assisted therapy sessions were conducted together with Gökçen Yücekaya, a dog trainer from the İBB Veterinary Affairs Directorate and the President of Tanısan Seversin Association. These sessions were broadcast by Sarıyer TV.

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June 2022, Wednesday
Hemsball Tournoument

The 2nd Hemsball tournament was held in Sarıyer Indoor Sports Hall in coordination with Sarıyer Municipality Sports Affairs Directorate.

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May 2022, Tuesday
End of the Year Show

The Show, in which the experiences gained in branch courses throughout the year were exhibited, was held at Yaşar Kemal Cultural Center on May 13, 2022. It started with the opening speeches of Zeynep Gürhan Canlı, Acting President, Vice President for Academic Affairs and

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May 2022, Friday